Penggunaan There Is, There Are, Lengkap dengan Contoh, dan Soal Latihan

Bentuk there is dan there are digunakan untuk menayakan atau mengatakan keberadaan suatu benda atau seseorang.

Penggunaan There Is dan There Are, Contoh dan Soal

Sedangkan untuk mengatakan keberadaan sesuatu atau orang pada waktu lampau, dapat menggunakan bentuk there was dan there were.

1. There is dan There was

There is dan there was dipakai sebelum kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung dan kata benda tunggal yang dapat dihitung dengan pola seperti berikut:

Kalimat Positive:

There is/Was some + Uncountable Nouns (kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung)
There is/Was + Singular Countable Nouns (kata benda yang dapat dihitung)

Pola There is dan there was dipakai sebelum kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung dan kata benda tunggal yang dapat dihitung.


  1. There is some water in the bathtub.
  2. There is some tea in the jar.
  3. There is a book in his bag.
  4. There was one boy in the room an hour ago.
  5. There was a book on floor a few minutes ago.
  6. There was some money in the wallet a few minutes ago.

Kalimat Negative:

There is not/Was not (isn’t/wasn’t) + any + Uncountable Nouns
There is not/Was not (isn’t/wasn’t) + Singular Countable Nouns

Pola There is dan there was pada kalimat negatif sama dengan positif hanya menambahkan is not atau was not.


  1. There is not any tea in the jar.
  2. There wasn’t any water in the bathtub last night.
  3. There isn’t any coffee in the cup.
  4. There is not a book in my bag.
  5. There was not a girl in the room yesterday.

Kalimat Tanya:

Is/Was there + any + Uncountable Nouns
Is/Was there + Singular Countable Nouns

Pola kalimat tanya dengan cara membalik There is/was menjadi Is there atau Was there.


  1. Is there any tea in the jar?
    response: Yes, there is.
  2. Is there any sugar in the jar?
    response: No, there isn’t.
  3. Was there any water in the bathtub a few minutes ago?
    response: Yes, there was.
  4. Was there a boy in the room a few minutes ago?
    response: No, there wasn’t.

Baca juga: Perbedaan How Many dan How Much Contoh Kalimat Beserta Soal

2. There are dan There were

There are atau there ware digunakan sebelum kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung. There were digunakan dalam kalimat bentuk past seperti dalam pola dan contoh-contoh berikut.

Kalimat Positive:

There are/were + some + Plural Countable Nouns

Pola kalimat positif There are/were dengan menambahkan some atau plural CN.


  1. There are some girls in the room.
  2. There were some cats in the yard last night.
  3. There are some chairs in the room.
  4. There were two boys in the classroom two hours ago.

Kalimat Negative:

There are not/were not (aren’t/weren’t) +any + Plural Countable Nouns

Pola kalimat positif There are/were dengan menambahkan not dan, any atau plural CN.


  1. There are not (aren’t) any girl in the room.
  2. There weren’t any cats in the yard last night.
  3. There aren’t any student at school now.

Kalimat Tanya:

Are/Were there any + Plural Countable Nouns

Pola kalimat tanya dengan cara Are atau Was there any + Plural CN.


  1. Are there any students in the classroom?
    response: Yes, there are.
  2. Were there any cats in the yard last night?
    response: No, there weren’t.
  3. Are there any book in your bag now?
    response: Yes, there are.
  4. Were there any people in the convention room a few hours ago?
    response: No, there weren’t.

Untuk menanykan jumlah benda atau orang, kita memakai how much dan how many.

How much dipakai untuk kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable nouns) dan how many untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable nouns).

Pelajari pola dan contoh-contoh kalimat berikut.

How much

How much + Uncountable Nouns + is/was there …?


  1. How much tea is there in the kettle?
  2. How much water was there in the bathtub last night?

Baca juga: Perbedaan Penggunaan Will dan be Going to dan Contohnya

How many

How many+ Plural Countable Nouns + are/were there …?


  1. How many girl are there in the room?
  2. How many novels were there on the table yesterday?
  3. How many student are there in the library?
  4. How many boys were there in your in your class tow day ago?


Untuk lebih memahami penggunaan There Is, There Are, yang tepat Anda dapat soal-soal latihan berikut:

1. There was ____ in my bag a few minutes a go.

2. ____ any students now in the room?

3. ____ boys are there in your class?

4. ____ some girls in his birthday party yesterday.

5. ____ sugar is there in the jar?

6. ____ water in the bathtub now.

7. ____ money in your wallet?

Berikut adalah jawaban yang tepat untuk setiap pertanyaan:

  1. d. some money
    (Jawaban yang benar membutuhkan "some money" karena kata "money" tidak bisa dihitung dan cocok dengan struktur kalimat.)

  2. b. Are there
    (Untuk "students" yang merupakan bentuk jamak, kita gunakan "Are there.")

  3. c. How many
    (Untuk menanyakan jumlah anak laki-laki, gunakan "How many boys.")

  4. b. There were
    (Karena merujuk pada masa lalu, gunakan "There were.")

  5. a. How much
    (Kata "sugar" adalah uncountable, jadi gunakan "How much.")

  6. b. There isn't any
    (Kalimat negatif dengan kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung, gunakan "There isn't any.")

  7. d. Is there any
    (Untuk menanyakan jumlah uang, yang uncountable, gunakan "Is there any.")

Itu tadi Penjelasan Penggunaan There Is, There Are, Lengkap dengan Contoh, dan Soal Latihan. Semoga bermanfaat untuk sobat.

Okey Gusy akhir kata, jangan lupa untuk kenakan maskermu, cuci tangan, dan hindari kerumunan, bagikan artikel ini agar kalian dan teman kalian selalu update informasi seputar Kediri dan sekitarnya.

Tommy Gandes

I am an experienced SEO Consultant. Digital Marketer. Professional Blogger & addicted Web Developer. Creator. Korean drama fans. Introvert. Fixers. Travel ninja. Thinker.

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