Kumpulan informasi dan rekomendasi berita seputar Kampung Inggris dan membahas tentang contoh synonym Bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan artinya.
Inilah contoh synonym bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan artinya. Sinonim adalah kata yang bentuknya berbeda namun arti atau pengertiannya sama atau mirip.
Persamaan kata ini bermanfaat untuk memvariasikan kosa kata sehingga tulisan menjadi lebih segar atau tidak monoton.
Anda mungkin tidak asing lagi dengan sinomim dalam bahasa Indonesia. Sebagai contoh, sinonim haus adalah dahaga, dan sinonim berbohong adalah berdusta.
Inilah contoh synonym bahasa Inggris dari A sampai dengan H, yuk simak!
Contoh Synonym Bahasa Inggris
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, tentu kita sudah bisa tahu ada banyak sekali sinonim yang dapat digunakan. Pada dasarnya, makna sinonim dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris adalah sama.
Namun, tidak semua dari kita tahu banyak apa saja sinonim dalam bahasa Inggris.
Baca juga: 200+ Antonim dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Terjemahan
Contoh Synonym Bahasa Inggris A-H
Kosakata | Sinonim | Arti |
to assure | to guarantee | memastikan |
to arrive | to reach | tiba / mencapai |
to appear | to seem | tampak |
to answer | to reply | menjawab |
to annoy | to irritate, to bother | mengganggu |
to admit | to confess | mengakui |
to administer | to manage | mengelola |
to accumulate | to build up | membangun |
to accomplish | to achieve | mencapai |
awful | terrible | sangat mengerikan |
away | absent | tidak hadir |
attractive | appealing | menarik |
association | organization | asosiasi / organisasi |
artful | crafty | berseni |
aromatic | fragrant | harum |
arise | occur | timbul |
ardour | passion | semangat / gairah |
appreciable | considerable | besar |
applicable | relevant | relevan |
apparent | obvious | jelas |
anyway | besides | selain itu |
animated | lively | lebih bersemangat |
almost | nearly | hampir |
abstract | summary | ringkasan |
about | approximately | Sekitar |
backside | behind, bottom | bagian belakang |
bad (not good) | poor, naughty | nakal |
ballot | poll | jajak pendapat |
to bear on something | to affect | menanggung / mempengaruhi sesuatu |
to beat | to defeat | mengalahkan |
becoming | fitting | mencocokan / memantaskan |
to begin | to start | memulai |
to behave | to act | bertindak |
believable | plausible | dipercaya |
belly | stomach | perut |
bendy | flexible | fleksibel / lentur |
beneficiant | generous | dermawan |
bid | tender | penawaran / tender |
bizarre | weird | aneh |
blameless | innocent | tidak bersalah |
bloodbath | massacre | pembantaian / pertumpahan darah |
bloodless | cold | tanpa perasaan |
branch | department | ranting pohon |
brave | courageous | keberanian |
to bring (something) back | to reintroduce | membawa (sesuatu) kembali |
to bring (something) on | to cause | menyebabkan |
to bring (somebody) up | to raise | menaikan |
brow | forehead | dahi |
bum | backside, behind, bottom | bokong / pantat |
business | commerce, trade | bisnis / perdagangan |
busy (telephone) | engaged | sibuk |
candy | sweet | permen |
to categorize | to classify | mengkategorikan / mengklasifikasikan |
charter | constitution | piagam / konstitusi |
cheesy | corny, tacky | norak |
chiefly | mainly | terutama |
choosy | picky | pemilih |
to chop | to cut | memotong |
chorus | refrain | refrain |
citation | quotation | kutipan |
to cite | to quote | mengutip |
class | lesson, course | pelajaran |
clerk | receptionist | resepsionis |
to close | to shut | menutup |
coiffure | hairstyle | gaya rambut |
clever | intelligent | pintar |
to collapse | to break down | meruntuhkan / merobohkan |
to collect | to gather | mengumpulkan |
comfort | consolation | kenyamanan |
comic | comedian | komedian |
commencement | graduation | wisuda / kelulusan |
complete | total | tuntas / lengkap |
completely | totally | dengan tuntas / dengan lengkap |
concord | harmony | kerukunan |
to condemn | to sentence | mengutuk / menghukum |
confederate | accomplice | sekutu / kaki tangan |
to confine | to restrict | membatasi |
conflict | clash | bentrokan / konflik |
to conform | to comply | mematuhi |
to confuse | to mix up | membingungkan |
to connect | to associate, to put through (telephone) | menghubungkan |
considerate | thoughtful | penuh pertimbangan |
constancy | fidelity | kesetiaan |
constant | fixed | tetap |
constitution | structure | konstitusi |
construction (literature) | interpretation | interpretasi |
to consult | to refer to | merujuk kepada |
contemporary | modern | moderen |
continuous | continual | berkelanjutan |
contrary | opposite | sebaliknya / bertolak belakang |
convention | conference | konvensi / konferensi |
to convey | to communicate | menyampaikan |
to cope | to manage | mengelola |
correct | right | benar |
couch | sofa | sofa |
crook | criminal | kriminal |
crusade | campaign | operasi militer (konteks perang salib) |
cube | dice | dadu |
curative | healing | penyembuhan |
curler | roller | rol rambut |
cussed | stubborn | keras kepala |
dash | sprint | cepat |
daybreak | dawn | subuh / fajar |
deceptive | misleading | menyesatkan |
decontrol | deregulate | menghilangkan regulasi |
dedicated | committed | berdedikasi / berkomitmen |
to deduce | to infer | menyimpulkan |
defective | faulty | salah |
deliberate | planned | terencana |
deliberately | intentionally | dengan sengaja |
delicate | fragile | rapuh / mudah pecah |
to demostrate | to protest | memprotes |
to denationalize | to privatize | memprivatisasi |
denims | jeans | bahan jins |
to denote | to indicate, to represent | menunjukan |
to deprave | to corrupt | merusak |
depraved | wicked, evil | jahat |
to desert | to abandon | meninggalkan |
deserted | abandoned | ditinggalkan |
destiny | fate | takdir |
detached | indifferent | acuh tak acuh |
devil | satan | setan |
dicy | risky | berisiko |
to differentiate | to distinguish | membedakan |
to diminish | to decrease | mengurangi |
disadvantaged | deprived | dirugikan |
disagreeable | unpleasant | tidak menyenangkan |
to disappear | to vanish | menghilang |
disaster | catastrophe | bencana |
to disclaim | to deny | menolak |
to disclose | to reveal | mengungkapkan |
discount | reduction | pengurangan / diskon |
disgrace | shame | memalukan |
domesticate | cultivate | urusan rumah tangga |
dossier | file | arsip / file |
dubious | doubtful | ragu-ragu |
dull (person | stupid | bodoh |
Baca juga: Inilah Idiom Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya
eager | keen | keinginan kuat |
earth | soil | tanah |
economic | profitable | menguntungkan |
egocentric | selfish | egois |
to elevate | to raise, to promote | meningkatkan |
to emphasise | to stress | menekankan |
to encounter | to come across | menemui |
enormous | huge, immense | sangat besar |
to enquire | to investigate | menyelidiki |
equity | fairness | adil |
especially | particularly | secara khusus |
essential | fundamental | fundamental |
to establish | to set up | mengatur |
to evaluate | to assess | mengevaluasi |
everlasting | eternal | abadi |
exactly | precisely | tepat |
except | apart from | pengecualian |
to expire | to run out | menghabiskan |
to explode | to blow up | meledakkan |
extra | additional | tambahan |
to fabricate | to manufacture | memproduksi / mengolah |
famous | famed, renowned | terkenal |
fanatic | enthusiast | penggemar fanatik |
fantastic | great, brilliant | fantastis / brilian |
to float | to drift | mengapung / mengambang |
fool | idiot | bodoh |
foolish | silly | bodoh |
forehead | brow | dahi / kening |
to foretell | to predict | meramal / memprediksi |
formerly | previously | sebelumnya |
fortunate | lucky | beruntung |
foxy | cunning | licik |
foyer | lobby | ruangan lobby |
fragrance | perfume | parfum |
French dressing | vinaigrette | saus prancis |
to function | to operate | mengoperasikan |
garbage | rubbish | sampah |
garbage can | trashcan | tempat sampah |
gay | homosexual | homoseksual |
to glitter | to sparkle | berkilau |
to grab | to seize | menangkap |
grasping | greedy | serakah |
gratis | free of charge | gratis |
gratuity | tip | uang tip |
gravestone | headstone | batu nisan |
to grouse | to grumble | menggerutu |
gut | intestine | usus |
hall | corridor | aula |
to hand something out | to distribute | mendistribusikan |
handsome | good-looking | tampan |
hang-out | haunt | nongkrong |
happily | fortunately | dengan bahagia |
hard | tough | tangguh |
hashish | cannabis | ganja |
to hawk | to peddle | menjajakan |
to hazard | to endanger | membahayakan |
hearsay | rumour | desas-desus |
hermetic | airtight | kedap udara |
highbrow | intellectual | cendikiawan |
hint | trace, tip | jejak informasi |
hole | gap | celah / lubang |
home | domestic | rumah tangga |
homicide | murder | pembunuhan |
housebreaking | burglary | pencurian |
hunger | starvation | kelaparan |
to hurry | to rush | bergegas |
hypotesis | speculation | spekulasi |