Past Continuous Tense, Rumus, Fungsi, dan Contoh Kalimat

Past continuous tense dipakai untuk menjawab pertanyaan, "What was happening".

Past Continuous Tense, Rumus, Fungsi, dan Contoh Kalimat
Past Continuous Tense, Rumus, Fungsi, dan Contoh Kalimat. Photo by Pixabay from Pexels:

Past continuous berasal dari dua kata yaitu past yang berarti lampau atau sudah berlalu, dan continuous yang berarti sedang.

Jadi past continuous tense adalah bentuk sedang untuk waktu lampau, dengan kata lain digunakan untuk menyatakan keadaan sedang berlangsung pada lampau.

Past continuous tense dipakai untuk menjawab pertanyaan, “What was happening“. Rumusnya:

S + was/were + V-ing

Contoh kalimat:

  1. We were going to Kediri
  2. I was studying English
  3. She was working at the school
  4. They were playing football at 4 o’clock last Sunday noon.
  5. He was doing his homework at 7 o’clock this morning.

Dari contoh di atas, maka disimpulakan jika was digunakan untuk he, she, it, nama diri tunggal atau kata benda tunggal lainnya. Sedangkan were digunakan untuk subjek we, you, they, atau subjek jamak.

Baca juga: Tenses: Kapan Harus Menggunakan Present Continuous Tense

Kalimat Negatif

Rumus dari kalimat past continuous tense adalah:

S + were/was + not +V-ing


  1. I was not listening to the radio.
  2. He wasn’t doing his homework.
  3. We weren’t playing football at 4 o’clock last Sunday noon.
  4. You were not swimming at 10 o’clock last night.

Kalimat Tanya/Interrogative

Yes/no questions

Kalimat tanya yang dibentuk dengan memindahkan auxiliary ke depan subjek disebut dengan yes/no questions atau pertanyaan yang jawabanya cukup “ya” dan “tidak”.

Cara membuat kalimat tanya pada past continuous tense yaitu dengan memindahkan auxiliary verb depan subjek kalimat. Rumusnya:

Was/were + S + V-ing?


  1. Was Ana working at school?
    Dijawab dengan, “Yes, she was“.
  2. Were you learning very fast?
    Dijawab dengan, “No, I wasn’t“.
  3. Were they watching the football game at 8 o’clock last night?
    Dijawab dengan, “Yes, they were“.

WH Questions

Pertanyaan yang diawali dengan WH (what, when, why, where, who, whom, atau how) disebut dengan WH questions.

Berbeda dengan yes/no questions, WH questions memerlukan jawaban berupa informasi.

WH questions dibentuk dengan menambahkan WH yang sesuai di depan auxiliary verb. Rumusnya:

WH + was/were + S + V-ing?


  1. What were you doing at 7 o’clock this morning?
    Jawabnya: I was having breakfast.
  2. How were you learning?
    Jawabanya: I was learning very fast.
  3. What was she doing at 8 o’clock last Sundy noon?
    Jawabnya: She was swimming.

Baca juga: Apa itu Past Perfect Continuous Tense? Berikut Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat

Kalimat Tanya Negatif/Negative Interrogative

Kalimat tanya negatif pada past continuous tense bisa dengan menggunakan rumus:

Wasn’t/weren’t + S V-ing?


  1. Weren’t you listening to the radio at 7 o’clock this morning?
  2. Wasnt they playing basketball at 4 o’clock last Sunday noon?

Fungsi Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense digunakan untuk:

  1. Menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung atau sedang dilakukan pada waktu yang tidak tentu pada masa lampau.
  2. Menyatakan suatu kejadian atau tindakan yang sedang berlangsung atau sedang dilakukan pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
  3. Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sudah dimulai terlebih dahulu dan sedang berlangsung ketika peristiwa lain terjadi. Kegiatan pertama yang sudah dimulai dan sedang berlangsung itu dinyatakan dengan past continuous tense, sedangkan peristiwa kedua yang sedang terjadi kemudian dinyatakan dengan past tense.

Soal dan Jawaban tentang Past Continuous Tense

Soal Pilihan Ganda Past Continuous Tense

1. She ____ (watch) TV when her mom called her.
a) watches
b) was watching
c) watched
d) is watching

2. While we ____ (walk) to school, it started to rain.
a) were walking
b) walk
c) walked
d) walking

3. They ____ (not play) football at 5 PM yesterday.
a) didn’t play
b) weren’t playing
c) wasn’t playing
d) don’t play

4. What ____ you ____ (do) at this time last night?
a) are, doing
b) were, doing
c) was, doing
d) do, do

5. When I arrived at the party, everyone ____ (dance).
a) was dancing
b) danced
c) dances
d) were dancing

Soal Isian

6. Complete the sentence:
She ____ (read) a book while her brother ____ (play) video games.

7. Rewrite into negative form:
They were talking loudly during the meeting.

8. Make a question from the sentence:
He was cooking dinner when I called him.

9. Fill in the blank:
I ____ (sleep) when the earthquake happened.

10. Write a past continuous sentence with the subject "we" and the verb "study."


1. b) was watching

2. a) were walking

3. b) weren’t playing

4. b) were, doing

5. a) was dancing

6. She was reading a book while her brother was playing video games.

7. They weren’t talking loudly during the meeting.

8. Was he cooking dinner when I called him?

9. I was sleeping when the earthquake happened.

10. We were studying for the exam last night.

Itulah tadi penjelasan singkat mengenai Past Continuous Tense, Pola dan Penggunaan semoga bermanfaat.

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Tommy Gandes

I am an experienced SEO Consultant. Digital Marketer. Professional Blogger & addicted Web Developer. Creator. Korean drama fans. Introvert. Fixers. Travel ninja. Thinker.

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