Tenses adalah bentuk kata kerja (verb) yang dapat menunjukan kapan waktu terjadinya peristiwa, kejadian dan tindakan dalam kalimat.
Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menanyakan informasi tentang apa yang sedang terjadi atau kegiatan seseorang pada saat kita berbicara.
Perhatikan kalimat berikut ini:
- Novi is reading a novel.
- Nurmia is sleeping.
- Sari is cooking.
- Tanty is watching TV.
Semua kalimat di atas menggambarkan bahwa sesuatu sedang dilakukan atau sedang terjadi pada saat kita berbicara sekarang. Pelajari lagi pola, rumus, fungsi, dan penggunaan Present Continuous Tense.
Baca juga: Begini Cara Mudah Menghafal 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris
Kalimat verbal
Untuk membentuk kalimat verbal Present Continuous Tense dengan model kalimat positive, negative, dan interrogative yaitu dengan menggunakan rumus berikut ini:
Kalimat positive (+) | S + be ( is, am, are ) + V-ing + C/O/A |
Kalimat negative (-) | S + be ( is, am, are ) + not V-ing + C/O/A |
Kalimat interrogative (?) | Be ( is, am, are ) + S + V-ing + C/O/A? |
Fungsi kalimat verbal Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan/peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung saat ini, biasanya ditandai dengan keterangan now, at this moment, look!, right now, at present, listen.
Fungsi lain dari verbal Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan situasi yang berubah-ubah.
Contoh :
- My father is reading a newspapaer now. (Ayahku sedang membaca koran sekarang.)
- The price of fuel is increasing very fast. = (Harga bahan bakar meningkat dengan pesat.)
Kalimat nominal
Kalimat positive (+) | S + be ( is, am, are ) + being + C |
Kalimat negative (-) | S + be ( is, am, are ) + not being + C |
Kalimat interrogative (?) | Be ( is, am, are ) + S + being + C? |
Contoh :
- I am being so happy at present. (Aku sedang bergembira saat ini.)
- I am not being so happy at present. (Aku sedang tidak bergembira saat ini.)
- Am I being so happy at present? (Apakah aku sedang bergembira saat ini?)
Baca juga: Mengenal Simple Present Tenses, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat
Dalam konteks topik kali ini present continuous tenses digunakan untuk:
- Menanyakan dan memberitahukan apa yang sedang berlangsung atau
sedang terjadi atau sedang dilakukan oleh seseorang pada saat kita
berbicara sekarang ini, misal:
- What is Novi doing right now? She is sleeping right now.
- Is Nurmia writing a letter at the moment? Yes, she is.
- Is Sari listening to the radio now? No she isn’t.
- Menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang terjadi pada saat sekarang, tetapi tidak sedang terjadi pada saat kita berbicara. contoh:
- What are you doing now? I am reading a novel now.
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan membaca novel tersebut sedang terjadi sekarang, tetapi bukan sedang terjadi pada saat si pembicara mengucapkan kalimat di atas.
- What are you doing now? I am reading a novel now.
Tidak semua kata kerja dapat diubah menjadi kata kerja berakhiran -ing untuk membentuk present continous tense. Beberapa kata kerja yang tidak dapat digunakan dalam present continous tense adalah seperti berikut:
believe | like | remember |
belong | love | see |
feel | mean | seem |
forget | need | smell |
hate | prefer | suppose |
hear | realise | understand |
Jadi kita bisa mengatakan, I love you; tetapi tidak bisa mengatakan, I am loving you.
Kita bisa boleh mengatakan, I belive him; tetapi tidak boleh mengatakan, I am believing him.
Untuk lebih jelas tentang pembahasan cara menambahkan akhiran -ing silahkan klik artikel berikut Cara Membentuk, Membuat, Verb-ing dan Aturan Verb-ing.
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Soal tentang Present Continuous Tense Kalimat Nominal (Positive, Negative, Interrogative)
Petunjuk: Lengkapi kalimat menggunakan to be (am/is/are) + complement sesuai present continuous tense.
A. Lengkapi Kalimat (Positive Form)
- I ____ busy with my homework at the moment.
- They ____ very happy today because of the party.
- She ____ in the kitchen, helping her mom cook dinner.
- We ____ at school right now.
- The cat ____ on the sofa, enjoying the sun.
B. Lengkapi Kalimat (Negative Form)
- I ____ (not) tired right now.
- They ____ (not) in the classroom because it's a holiday.
- We ____ (not) ready for the presentation yet.
- She ____ (not) happy with her test result.
- The dog ____ (not) in the garden right now.
C. Buat Kalimat Tanya (Interrogative Form)
Petunjuk: Buat kalimat tanya yang sesuai dengan present continuous tense.
- ____ you at home right now?
- ____ they in the park playing football?
- ____ the teacher in the classroom at this moment?
- ____ it your birthday today?
- ____ your friends online on social media right now?
Soal tentang Soal Kalimat Verbal (Positive, Negative, Interrogative)
Petunjuk: Lengkapi kalimat dengan bentuk kata kerja (verb) yang tepat sesuai Present Continuous Tense (am/is/are + V-ing).
A. Lengkapi Kalimat (Positive Form)
- She ____ (read) a new book about science fiction right now.
- They ____ (watch) a football match at the stadium.
- I ____ (study) English grammar at the moment.
- We ____ (wait) for the bus at the bus stop.
- He ____ (write) a letter to his best friend.
B. Lengkapi Kalimat (Negative Form)
- Lisa ____ (not / cook) dinner at the moment.
- The kids ____ (not / play) outside because it’s raining.
- I ____ (not / sleep) right now because I have a lot of work to do.
- We ____ (not / watch) TV at the moment.
- John ____ (not / work) on his project right now.
C. Buat Kalimat Tanya (Interrogative Form)
Petunjuk: Susun kalimat tanya sesuai present continuous tense.
- ____ she (write) a story at the moment?
- ____ they (play) basketball at the park?
- ____ you (watch) TV right now?
- ____ it (rain) outside?
- ____ he (study) for his final exam?
Kunci Jawaban Kalimat Nominal (Positive, Negative, Interrogative)
A. Lengkapi Kalimat (Positive Form)
- I am busy with my homework at the moment.
- They are very happy today because of the party.
- She is in the kitchen, helping her mom cook dinner.
- We are at school right now.
- The cat is on the sofa, enjoying the sun.
B. Lengkapi Kalimat (Negative Form)
- I am not tired right now.
- They are not in the classroom because it's a holiday.
- We are not ready for the presentation yet.
- She is not happy with her test result.
- The dog is not in the garden right now.
C. Buat Kalimat Tanya (Interrogative Form)
- Are you at home right now?
- Are they in the park playing football?
- Is the teacher in the classroom at this moment?
- Is it your birthday today?
- Are your friends online on social media right now?
Kunci Jawaban Kalimat Verbal (Positive, Negative, Interrogative)
A. Lengkapi Kalimat (Positive Form)
- She is reading a new book about science fiction right now.
- They are watching a football match at the stadium.
- I am studying English grammar at the moment.
- We are waiting for the bus at the bus stop.
- He is writing a letter to his best friend.
B. Lengkapi Kalimat (Negative Form)
- Lisa is not cooking dinner at the moment.
- The kids are not playing outside because it’s raining.
- I am not sleeping right now because I have a lot of work to do.
- We are not watching TV at the moment.
- John is not working on his project right now.
C. Buat Kalimat Tanya (Interrogative Form)
- Is she writing a story at the moment?
- Are they playing basketball at the park?
- Are you watching TV right now?
- Is it raining outside?
- Is he studying for his final exam?
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Vocabulary sangat penting karena menjadi modal utama untuk mempelajari penyusunan kalimat dan kemampuan lain dalam bahasa Inggris. Dengan menguasai banyak kosakata akan memudahkan seseorang untuk membaca, menulis, mendengar dan berbicara bahasa Inggris. Buku saku ini berisi 2000 kosakata yang wajib dihapal karenan sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
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